Downhill all the Way? The Hidden Election, Part 2
Borrowing the first line from Yeats:
“Now all the truth is out
We are obliged to look askance
At everything we know about
The ultimate monster, J.D. Vance”
I’m going to claim firsties to publish, though whether a blog counts as publication I’m dubious–but anyhow you read it here first. Heather Cox Richardson on Substack has given us the whole sick episode, that has sent Trump spinning to the final pit of hell.
I’m not sure of the order, but in any event at a rally in Pennsylvania he proceeded to let go a literally obscene rant–using “literally” in the literal sense of “literally” aimed at, as “shittiest vice-president in history-”–aimed with full-scale viciousness at Kamala Harris, while she was at an enthusiastic rally in Georgia. Along the way, at another venue, he addressed “Jill” (Biden) over and over again by imploring her to leave her “fat husband.” There is literally–ah yes–no prior incident in the history of American politics, or at least none since Wilkes Booth plunged onto the stage shouting “Sic semper tyrannis,” quite like this one. At least he had a literary sensibility.
Somewhere along the way yesterday, however, the word came
down into the control room to pull the plug. I would imagine from pretty goddam high up. And whoever was there must have, possessed of a remarkable sense of irony, switching over to the Harris rally. Deranged, demented, in la la land. You wouldn’t make any of this up.
Trump is now firmly among the living dead, but we should restrain our enthusiasm. He was, after all, sitting in front of the Gates of Hell, like some washed-out wanderer, blocking the exit of all right-wing monsters waiting their moment. He was like a familiar fixture for us, but now he is gone from that perch, and nothing to keep them from storming out onto what will become the plains of the living dead.
So drop those fantasies of his assassination– — Here there be worse monsters coming. Are we ready?